Partners, sponsoring and sponsorships
Partner of BFE Concepts Fleet GmbH
BVMW – German Association of small and Medium-sized Businesses
The voice of the SMEs
The BVMW is a politically independent association which is open to all sectors and professions and represents the interests of small and medium-sized enterprises vis-à-vis politics, the state authorities and the trade unions.
CarXPress, owner Mirko Dettmer
Fast, reliable, economical and flexible
Vehicle services for car dealerships, companies and private individuals. Our services include vehicle transfers throughout Europe, collection and delivery for vehicles and persons, shuttle and chauffeur-driven journeys incl. airport transfers and a wide range of special services.
With 160 offices in Europe and an international business network, we are there for our customers in every economic region. Together with 160,000 member companies, we form a strong and protective community that connects companies. In this way, we strengthen trust in the business world and make our contribution to securing the economy in the long term.
Dekra Media GmbH
THE online learning solution for flexible study!
DEKRA Safety Web is an online education platform covering Health & Safety as well as Compliance. Employees are free to complete their courses when they want, wherever they want – never again need absence through holiday or sickness result in staff failing to be instructed properly.
Dent Wizard GmbH
Everything from a single source
With Dent Wizard you are equipped for every type of damage. A reliable partner to the insurance and automotive industry, we offer you personalised support, ranging from Smart Repair, repairs following hailstorms to vehicle reconditioning.
DKV Euro Service GmbH & Co. KG
DKV CARD refuelling and service card
We help you to fill up your vehicle economically, to remain mobile and to operate more efficiently. With over 100,000 acceptance points in 42 European countries. DKV Euro Service offers the largest supply network in the sector.
Drivers Check GmbH
Provider of the No. 1 electronic driving licence verification system: DriversCheck
With over 200,000 active drivers, numerous companies rely on this innovative and intuitive solution for the automated verification of driving licences.
Global Office GmbH
global office for personalised and professional availability solutions
Our telephone service will selectively optimise communication with your customers and maximise the accessibility of your company by telephone.
Hüsges Group
The centre for vehicle appraisals
The Hüsges Group comprises a network of 130 franchise partners based at 170 sites. Offering over 500 appraisers, also available in your locality.
Innovation Group Fleet & Mobility GmbH
Developed for maximum efficiency
Operating as a full-service claims manager, we are a partner you can depend on. Thanks to our dynamic procedures, we can offer you the right solution whatever your needs. Take advantage of our transparent and cost-efficient claims handling.
Intertaxexpert Gutachtenmanagement GmbH
We focus on the future
Working with customers from a wide range of branches such as fleet operators, car dealers, garages, manufacturers, lawyers and vehicle appraisers, we have developed extensive digital solutions for the claims sector.
Law firm Lüttmann
Our motto “It works…!”
Our competencies are notary public, traffic law, employment law, construction and architect law, commercial and contract law, corporate law, tenancy law and other areas of law. Your lawyer and notary in Einbeck
Netzwerk intelligente Mobilität (NiMo) e. V.
Network for smart mobility
By ensuring interdisciplinary interaction between many different players in the fleet and travel sectors, this association aims to further develop the concept of intelligent mobility, to raise its profile and to anchor it in the daily business routine.
Car appraiser (a company of D&O Vertriebs GmbH)
On the go for you
PKW GUTACHTER is an expert organization for private individuals and companies that offers unique services! PKW GUTACHTER supports private individuals and companies throughout Europe in the fast and uncomplicated processing of orders. PKW GUTACHTER is your neutral and reliable expert as well as a strong accident expert and that – Europe-wide!
Safety.Brands Germany UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
With the SAFETY-e digital rescue card, a product of SAFETY.brands Germany, it is possible to save people for 30, 45, sometimes even 60 minutes. to rescue faster from an accident vehicle. With our fire brigade software and the connection between the license plate number and a digital rescue card, rescue workers receive all information relevant to the rescue of the vehicle involved in the accident on the way there. Saving lives faster is our mission.
save4drive – Westerwald Agency
save4drive – the innovation company
Driver training that’s a bit different. Whether you want to learn how to save fuel or just drive in a more relaxed and stress-free way – here you can find out everything all users of a company car should know.
SIXT GmbH & Co. Autovermietung KG
For more than 100 years a living culture of innovation
SIXT is a leading international provider of high-quality mobility services and has stood for a living culture of innovation with strong technological competence for over 100 years. The company offers a unique, integrated mobility offering in the areas of car rental, car sharing and driving services. The company is characterized by consistent customer orientation, a high proportion of premium vehicles in its fleet and an attractive price-performance ratio.
Volkswagen Financial Services
The car hire firm VW FS | Rent-a-Car offers high-spec rental vehicles for both private customers and business clients. Its portfolio of cars includes the group brands Volkswagen, Audi, SEAT, ŠKODA and Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles.
Wintec AG
Tradition and innovation
As the largest auto glass franchise company in Germany, we have been offering our customers first-class solutions in auto glass for more than 30 years. From free pick-up and provision of a free customer replacement vehicle to mobile service with on-site repair or the technically demanding recalibration of modern driver assistance systems, we offer consistently convenient and high-quality handling of glass damage to cars.
Sponsoring programs of BFE Fleet Concepts GmbH
BG Göttingen
We support the first men’s team of the club BG Göttingen in the Beko Basketball Bundesliga league.
The KlimaMoor “Am Löh”, Ahlenmoor
We are a corporate partner of the Ahlenmoor project. In this way, we contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and, at the same time, to the preservation of biodiversity.
Leinetal forest project
We are company partners of the Leinetal forest project to support the regional reforestation of our forests.
Sponsorships of the BFE Fleet Concepts GmbH
Kleine Hilfsaktion e. V.
To help helpers unbureaucratically
“kleine Hilfsaktion e.V.” (approx.: “Small Relief Action”) is an officially recognized non-profit society. It was formed in mid-2010 to continue and further develop the previously completely private aid activities of Kerstin and Roland Debschütz (both from 41466 Neuss/Germany) in an expanded and official form. The society’s aim is to help individuals in developing countries who are in immediate danger and quickly need help provided unbureaucratically.
Uslarer Badeland
Bathing fun at the Badeland
The Uslarer Badeland offers all kinds of bathing and water fun. The giant slide with a length of approx. 80 metres has exciting spiralling bends. For those who want to swim, the 25-metre pool with four lanes can be recommended. Non-swimmer pools and baby pools offer bathing fun for little visitors.